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A captivating family show for children aged 4+. Come along on an adventure and see the world through tiny eyes! 


Work in Progress


Sleep will be a dance theatre production aimed at age 11+ exploring the effect technology has on sleep.


The project will be created in collaboration with Neuroscientist Wei Xu, (Postdoctoral researcher in neuroscience at Newcastle University) who will provide insight on sleep patterns and the effects of technology on sleep.


Technology has many benefits and can both help and hinder sleep; In toddlers we see increased use of iPads before bed, in teenagers we see the use of video games until the early hours and in adults the use of mobile phones. This piece will resonate with all ages and intends to stimulate discussion to change behaviour and encourage more positive use of technology to enhance our wellbeing.


Real life experiences will be at the forefront of this research. Debbie makes work for CYP WITH CYP. This will be done through discussion and interactive dance workshops.


The D Project has been successful in receiving a Dance City Bursary for the early stages of research for this work and is looking for businesses and funding to contribute to interactive workshop consultation, the production and tour of Sleep across multiple venues. 

This piece will resonate with all ages and intends to stimulate discussion to change behaviour and encourage more positive use of technology to enhance our wellbeing.


Touring Spring/Summer 2025

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#STEAM is an open framed promenade dance performance for families and young people, surrounding the audience in an immersive experience which stimulates the senses. 

This piece is site adaptive with the vision of a North East tour which will encompass different venues and audiences involving workshops for young people in schools, and performance snippets for the elderly in nursing homes.

With funding this project will be contributing to the 2025 Stockton and Darlington first passenger railway anniversary.

This captivating performance brings to life women’s transition from housewife to worker on the rails during WW2. With mesmerising fragments of history and romance surrounding rail travel, stories tell of the happiness and sorrow behind departure

"I was inspired by stories of railway travel, brings to life and highlights fragments of history and the romance behind this. Looking at past and present similarities, this piece tells the stories and sorrows behind departure."


Premier Tour Spring/Summer 2022

Coming soon....New Tour for 2025

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What does the world look like to a hedgehog? How do things feel? What is there to look out for?

A playful, fresh and engaging new production for young children aged 4+ and their families. HEDGE uses immersive dance theatre, beautiful costumes, innovative props and puppetry to tell the tale of a young hedgehog waking up from hibernation to find the world is not as it once was.


This uplifting and inspiring show encourages children to explore their surroundings and be brave in the face of uncertainty.

Senses will be tricked through sound from all directions and audiences will be constantly surprised by the use of set & interaction with performers.

Meet a hedgehog waking up from hibernation... and all is not as it once was. 


Autumn 2014

Performance photo (Photo Credit Scott Ak

Join us as the mystery of an Irish winter unravels….Traditional legends inspired this story of love, loss and Christmas; performed with live music in unusual spaces and places that the family call home.


Created for the delight of children and families together, this story begins with two sisters-Dove and Rae.


We join them preparing for a family winter, but something is missing… find out what lies ahead for the sisters while they embark on an exciting journey as the mysteries of an Irish winter unravel. 


This piece encourages the audience to experience the sound, smell and visuals as they become involved in helping the sisters find ‘the light the hides in the dark’. Expect fun, magic and mischief for children and families alike.

*No longer touring. 

'Pssst, Pssst,  it’s me again…

If you hear Tap-Tappety tap tap

From darkened corners of the house, From places wrapped up and forgot.

You must tap back and wait with open eyes and hearts for the light that hides in the dark...'


Autumn 2012

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A collaboration with Robby Graham of Southpaw Dance Company.


The project was mentored by Tamsin Fitzgerald of 2FacedDance and toured across North East schools, Arc, Dance City and Unity Theatre, specifically focusing on boys engagement with dance.

*No longer touring. 

A beautiful and powerful duet created under the mentorship of 2Faced Dance's Tamsin Fitzgerald.



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Email: 078 51 23 5807

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